Kuva: AOP
Kuva: AOP

Suloinen pomeranian on saanut oman kalenterin, jota se tähdittää hauskoilla kuvilla.

Pörröturkkinen Flint-koira on noussut otsikoihin maailmalla siitä otettujen söpöjen ja hauskojen kuvien ansiosta. Koiran omistaja, valokuvaaja Robin Yu aloitti pomeranianinsa kuvaamisen tämän ollessa vielä pieni pentu.

”Yhdeksän kuukauden ikäisenä muutin asumaan Robinin luo ja pari vuotta myöhemmin hän alkoi ottaa minusta hauskoja valokuvia”, Flintin näkökulmasta kirjoitettu lausunto tämän nettisivulla kertoo.

”Mallina oleminen on kivaa! Palkkakin on hyvä. Aina kun kamera otetaan esille, niin otetaan esille myös herkulliset namut”, sivulla sanotaan.

Suloiset ja hauskat kuvat Flintistä on koostettu vuoden 2014 kalenteriksi. Flintillä on myös Facebook-sivu, jossa Yu julkaisee siitä kuvia.

”En ole varmaan koskaan nähnyt sitä kärttyisenä. Sen voi herättää unilta ja se on silti tyytyväinen itsensä”, omistaja Yu kuvailee koiraansa.

”Se tuo paljon iloa elämääni. Se tekee asioita koiramaisen tosissaan ja minusta se on söpöä ja hauskaa. Se on todella ilonlähde elämässäni ja olen onnekas omistaessani hänet”, Yu kertoo.

As far as pet photography goes, it doesn't get much cuter than this. Flint is a happy-go-lucky Pomeranian that's just as sweet and good-natured as he first appears. As his owner Robin Yu tells us, "I don't think I've ever seen him grumpy. You can wake him up from sleeping and he's still his pleasant self. He's also quite the law abiding citizen. He follows rules and even makes up some self-imposed ones because he just wants to be a good boy." Flint went to live with Robin in Portland, Oregon when he was just 9-months-old, and ever since that day, Robin has been taking photos of him. He's now six-years-old. "I was actually looking for an older dog, but when I met Flint, we just really connected," she says. "He brings all sorts of joy to my life. He does things with all his doggie seriousness, and I just find it so cute and funny. He's definitely a bright spot in my life and I'm so lucky to have him."Where: Portland, Oregon, United StatesWhen: 09 Dec 2013Credit: Robin Yu/www.FlintThePomeranian/WENN.com


As far as pet photography goes, it doesn't get much cuter than this. Flint is a happy-go-lucky Pomeranian that's just as sweet and good-natured as he first appears. As his owner Robin Yu tells us, "I don't think I've ever seen him grumpy. You can wake him up from sleeping and he's still his pleasant self. He's also quite the law abiding citizen. He follows rules and even makes up some self-imposed ones because he just wants to be a good boy." Flint went to live with Robin in Portland, Oregon when he was just 9-months-old, and ever since that day, Robin has been taking photos of him. He's now six-years-old. "I was actually looking for an older dog, but when I met Flint, we just really connected," she says. "He brings all sorts of joy to my life. He does things with all his doggie seriousness, and I just find it so cute and funny. He's definitely a bright spot in my life and I'm so lucky to have him."Where: Portland, Oregon, United StatesWhen: 09 Dec 2013Credit: Robin Yu/www.FlintThePomeranian/WENN.com

As far as pet photography goes, it doesn't get much cuter than this. Flint is a happy-go-lucky Pomeranian that's just as sweet and good-natured as he first appears. As his owner Robin Yu tells us, "I don't think I've ever seen him grumpy. You can wake him up from sleeping and he's still his pleasant self. He's also quite the law abiding citizen. He follows rules and even makes up some self-imposed ones because he just wants to be a good boy." Flint went to live with Robin in Portland, Oregon when he was just 9-months-old, and ever since that day, Robin has been taking photos of him. He's now six-years-old. "I was actually looking for an older dog, but when I met Flint, we just really connected," she says. "He brings all sorts of joy to my life. He does things with all his doggie seriousness, and I just find it so cute and funny. He's definitely a bright spot in my life and I'm so lucky to have him."Where: Portland, Oregon, United StatesWhen: 09 Dec 2013Credit: Robin Yu/www.FlintThePomeranian/WENN.com

As far as pet photography goes, it doesn't get much cuter than this. Flint is a happy-go-lucky Pomeranian that's just as sweet and good-natured as he first appears. As his owner Robin Yu tells us, "I don't think I've ever seen him grumpy. You can wake him up from sleeping and he's still his pleasant self. He's also quite the law abiding citizen. He follows rules and even makes up some self-imposed ones because he just wants to be a good boy." Flint went to live with Robin in Portland, Oregon when he was just 9-months-old, and ever since that day, Robin has been taking photos of him. He's now six-years-old. "I was actually looking for an older dog, but when I met Flint, we just really connected," she says. "He brings all sorts of joy to my life. He does things with all his doggie seriousness, and I just find it so cute and funny. He's definitely a bright spot in my life and I'm so lucky to have him."Where: Portland, Oregon, United StatesWhen: 09 Dec 2013Credit: Robin Yu/www.FlintThePomeranian/WENN.com

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